My TNR Journey Part 4

January 25, 2023

We are feeling like pretty good trappers! We got three this time! The property owner agreed to go to Critters with us so that we could get the third one in. We are still setting our four traps, knowing we will probably have to let one or two of the youngsters back out. But we got three that needed to be done, yay!


This guy was aged at 10 years old! He had a pretty damaged left ear, and you can see the tip on the right ear.

Hanging out in a cold, dark parking lot with a bunch of like minded people can be a lot of fun. Everyone has their own situation and story. We all cheer with them when they trap that one savvy female cat that has eluded them through three or four litters of kittens. And when someone says, “I think I got the last one” someone else will say “Is there ever a last one?”, and we all laugh. 

This TNR business in our community is still a tough deal. Though the trappers become a tight knit group, it would be so much nicer if we could bring our cats in when it’s light outside, and not have to worry that even though we got there at 4:00 AM we may not get on the list. Pet overpopulation is not a high priority here….is it anywhere? And we all know money is tight and there are many needs, so we carry on trying to do the right thing as best we can.

So three and a half weeks in, we have gotten ten cats fixed…five males and five females. That equates to hundreds of kittens not being born into a feral life. And we’re feeling pretty good about that!

Sparky 2.0

The tipping of the ear is very important! There are probably seven cats that look a lot like Sparky here.